About Us
The CBTASA (CBT Association of South Africa) was initiated by our colleague, the late Kevin Bolon, but was officially founded in October 2019. We are a constituted organization, striving towards improved community wellbeing and are affiliated to EABCT https://eabct.eu.
All the CBT generations are represented by the CBTASA. Treatment fidelity is encouraged – adherence to CBT models and competent application of methods.
The CBTASA is served by four committee members. A network of vetted CBT therapists and trainers, who are registered with their professional bodies, is listed on the website. The CBTASA is home to all new and established CBT practitioners in SA. New members are invited to join the CBTASA family!
The CBTASA collaborates with academic and other training institutions. A newsletter is published bi-annually. Training events and resources are provided. Support in professional development is available.
What is CBT?

An umbrella term for different forms of evidence-based psychotherapies (‘talking therapy’) applied by mental health specialists. CBT is a constantly-evolving methodology, comprising first, second and third generations.
Think of the parts of a tree – the roots, trunk, and different branches – which make up the generations. Its beginning originates in the Hellenistic era, 3 BC, in Stoic philosophy. The ideas of Socrates, Epictetus, Aurelius, and many others, remain true today (Dubois*). Other early and continuing influences are those of Eastern philosophy, Adler, and Phenomenology.
This website outlines most of the types of therapies available under each generation or ‘wave’. CBT is described in more detail under each model on page 2.
Our Goal and Mission
We aim to promote mental health by providing evidence-based treatments, in line with that of global CBT organizations. We encourage effective implementation through training and research. International CBT training standards are transferred to SA. The CBTASA aims to disseminate and develop CBT in South Africa and in the African region.
Beth Cooper Howell Proof reader/copy editor
Contributions by
Prof David Edwards
Dr Linda Blokland
Matthew Watkin
Edgar Tyrone
Bertus Swanepoel
Dr Shane Pienaar-Du Bruyn